News and invitation

Touch the transport
Touch the transport
News and invitation

3 responses to "News and invitation"

It's nice to see that even a car that isn't full of electronics can be quite a pain.
But a person is all the more proud of himself when he discovers the flaw.

Well, I have to admit that when I tried to figure out on my own what could be wrong, I had a lot of fun, it was more of a relaxation for me, to try this and this or something else. I might have been able to detect the carbon in the distributor myself, but I didn't focus on that one thing at all. I knew that he was ahead of schedule, I could feel it on the car much earlier, because it behaved like I do when I get up for school, it didn't want to drive at all and was lurching.


This exactly confirms the law of assent, all possibilities are tried, and as if on purpose it is the very last one.

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