
Exclusive content. What is it and who is it for?

As you know from previous articles, I finance the entire exhibition from my own resources and if it weren't for the zeal and kindness of several people, it would have remained with only one car. And since I spend hours on the whole project, I decided to offer something for those of you who would like to see behind the scenes not only of the exhibition, but also of my life. So I created a profile on Pickey, on which I will publish exclusive content. You will be able to get to it in two ways. You either choose one of three subscription packages or you can unlock only the articles you really want to read. I will also post a public description for each paid article so you can decide whether you want to read it or not. You already have a lot to choose from and the prices are set to the lowest possible. If you choose to unlock only the articles you want, they will remain unlocked forever. Thank you for allowing me to continue to develop the Touch Transport project through exclusive content.

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