The heart of the blind Škodovák - blog

How it all began

It all started long before I even knew it. Even as a child, I loved vehicles, despite my visual impairment. I knew that I would never be able to get a driver's license, it didn't even bother me, but it didn't stop me from being interested in means of transport. It actually started with a green Škoda 120L that the neighbors across the street had. I had to be there every time they started it. All I had to do was stand in front of the house and listen. And then once, when I was maybe six, seven years old at the most, they sat me behind the wheel of the car and let me touch the entire interior, including all the switches, so I fell in love with the car. It was a snake, so even with the round lights, just beautiful. And I said back then that I would buy such a car one day. At that time, of course, I didn't know that it was a very old car and that it was not being produced, ours already had a black Favorit, but it no longer appealed to me. It had a completely different interior and the sound, it was no longer as beautiful as the one hundred and twenty neighbors.

A number of years have passed and my interests have changed, computers and music have come first and the 2005s have dwindled. From 2022 until 120, I actually didn't see a single one, that all changed when I had the opportunity to look at a private collection of veterans. It completely refreshed my memory and the beautiful memories, behind the wheel of the Škoda 105L, Škoda 125L and 1000L and 120MB, I remembered it all. I remembered my childhood dream and since there was nothing stopping me from buying a Škoda, I did it. I have a beautiful well-preserved Škoda XNUMXL with which I can take myself wherever I need to go. However, the story is far from over...

Skoda 120L MILENA

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