
Renting won't work, so I'm choosing another way

Since getting reasonable premises at a reasonable price is not possible in my area, I have three options. Either move somewhere where there are such spaces, ditch everything, or try to find investors. Since I don't really want to move all the way to the Czech Republic and it would be cowardly to give it up, I am starting to take the third route.

Many months ago I was offered to start a commercial crowdfunding on the portal Brought. Originally, I wanted to rent some premises and set up a commercial cw later, but it turned out that the only thing I could not get to start operations was premises. That's why I've teamed up with a few architects in our town and will go the commercial cw route. Starting today, I am concentrating on creating attractive rewards for potential investors. Since it will be a commercial project of considerable amount, my rewards have to be really creative, meaningful and attractive to potential future investors. I will of course inform you about the next procedure. My motivation is the knowledge that such a project as Touch Transport does not exist anywhere else, and then also the fact that if other commercial projects have managed it, I have a chance to manage it too.

1 comment on "Renting won't work, so I choose another way" Hello colleague Pavle Vlček, I believe that under your direction and after a thorough preparation of the documents, the content of the rewards and everything connected with that, that you will do excellently. Investors, as you say, must have motivation and must feel certain values ​​as to how the invested funds will be returned to them, whether in the form of cooperation or other in-kind, etc. For the implementation team of the people of the NEVIDOMÍ ZA VOLANTEM association, zs with the NEVIDOMÍ ZA VOLANTEM CR project, including the community of people with visual disabilities and people with severe visual impairment, we wish them success, plenty of strength, plenty of everything, but above all good health. For now, on the damaged one. Peter

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