
The result of an online meeting with Ondřej Baránek, deputy for economy and asset management of the city of Havířov

Today I had an online meeting with Mr. Ing. Ondřej Baránek, deputy for economy and asset management of the city of Havířov. We talked about the visions of the Touch the Transport project and I have a very good feeling about the whole online meeting. The fact that Mr. Baránek offered to negotiate with municipal and private entities of the city of Havířov confirmed to me that my project makes sense. So it will be like this.
Mr. Deputy will assign the task of checking whether the city of Havířov owns premises where my exhibition could be realized.
If not, they will contact Autodům or commercial entities in the city of Havířov.
I myself contacted all the real estate agencies in Těšín and the surrounding area, mostly I didn't even get an answer to my question, in two cases I was told by the real estate agents that they didn't have any premises on offer.
I have a really good feeling about the entire conversation with Mr. Deputy, he made a nice impression on me. So we'll see how it all turns out in the end. Other cities in the vicinity, including Těšín, expressed that they do not have any suitable premises in their property and will not have any in the foreseeable future. Český Těšín offered me the possibility of using some of the unused areas that can be found in the city's spatial plan, but I decided that I would not go the route of my own construction in the end, even if I could get a subsidy for the project.

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