
It happened at week 47

A few interesting things happened this week too, so let's talk about them in the following lines.

Historically the first lecture

Not even a week after the public lectures began, the first order arrived. The lecture was originally supposed to take place on Monday, but by mutual agreement we moved it to Wednesday afternoon. You can imagine how it all turned out in the end read on the listener's website.

Start of winterized Milis

On Tuesday, on the way to the dentist, I stopped at the garage with my entourage, because it was on the way. Although there wasn't even a drop of petrol in Milena's carburettor, the valves did not stick and after pumping, despite the so-called lazy starter, it caught beautifully. In the next three repetitions, the starter recovered and as a result I managed to warm it up to hold the revs with the choke fully closed, which I consider an ideal result.

A dream trip to the dentist on Friday

When we were returning on Friday, and from where else but from the dentist again with a stop at the gas station to refill the hundred Božka with juice, my companion, otherwise a very talented musician, got the grand idea that I could do a lap around the dam. And so it happened, but it was preceded by a small speed ride. But the plan was not to squeeze as much as possible out of it, rather I needed to rev it up a bit so that the freshly refueled fuel could take effect. This happened very soon, because we reached the gas station with about four liters of gas, dates older than 3 months and such age, as any vintage lover knows, is not good for these beautiful experienced cars. We filmed both the speed ride and mine. I originally wanted to upload both videos separately, but my companion had a very bold idea. You can depend on the result look here. I have one more trip to the dentist, so who knows, maybe the person who drives me will also come up with some idea, in any case, the lesson is clear. Wherever you go, take your camera with you.

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