The heart of the blind Škodovák - blog

When cleaning, from the floor. If the repair, then half

Every once in a while, both the exterior and the interior need to be maintained. So I looked at the interior of the Hundred Goddesses. And I took it off the floor. Thanks to the small but powerful battery-powered vacuum cleaner, things in Božka look small again. And where was the most dust? Strangely enough, in the least frequented places. Behind the back seats.

Once I was in action, I decided to take another look at the malfunctioning blower on the driver's side. I found out that the hose was torn out not only behind the blower, but also under the steering wheel, so even if I managed to get it into the blower, there would still be no air going into it. I managed to connect the hose under the steering wheel, but I simply can't get into the blower with my hands, and at the same time, I'm missing a maximum of a centimeter so that I can bend the hose and insert it into the blower. But I managed to reach a compromise, I bent the hose at least so that the air goes at least partially into the blower, it's not much, but it blows a little, but I have to figure out how to get the hose into the blower, I'm sure somehow it's okay, just figure it out. I reached underneath, entwined it with a tangle of cables, felt the disconnected hose, but that little bit, that tiny little bit...

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