
It happened at week 49

Although it's December and veterans tend to be long overwintered, Touch Traffic is the exception that proves the rule. A few interesting things happened this week too, let's talk about them...

First snow for Milena

I couldn't do it and finally decided to change my cars. Stovka Božek to the garage, Milena to traffic. And I did well. When the Božka reached the garage, something happened, according to the mechanic who was driving it, it was a problem with the brake shield, which I will have to solve. So I had the tires changed and Milena saw her very first snow this morning.

Fanouš tour

When I went with VAšek Tichý to pick up my hundred and twenty, he offered me a ride in a beautiful red Favorite from 1990, with exactly the same cranks as my Milis. I lived under the impression that the Fava only had such bulging door handles and felt door panels. What a surprise it was for me that the door panel looked more like a Škoda 100, without central locking and with handles like a 120. Only opening the door from the inside was different, I've never seen anything like it, even the handle on which I put my hand while driving it seemed rather futuristic. But I had a great time driving it, it had an automatic choke, a radio, a beautifully loud engine and comfortable seats. A completely different Fávo than we had in the days of my childhood, I suspect that until 2003, when ours bought a triple Fábia.

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