The heart of the blind Škodovák - blog

How I played with artificial intelligence

It didn't work for me and I tried it too. I keep reading about there being some kind of AI chat. So I signed up and gave the artificial computer the following command, I'm honestly shocked at the result, or can it predict the future?

Command for Open AI

Please write me an article about the fact that for my automotive exhibition called Touch the traffic I am intensively looking for spaces where all people, disabled and healthy, can view vintage cars.


In recent years, various cultural and social events have been increasingly appearing in Czech cities with the aim of bringing history and culture closer to the general public. Touch the traffic is one such event, which specializes in vintage cars and tries to introduce them to as many people as possible.
The aim of this car exhibition is not only to bring the history of motoring closer, but also to provide an experience for people with various types of disabilities. The organizers of the event are trying to find suitable spaces where vintage cars can be placed and at the same time be accessible to all visitors regardless of their physical abilities.
In order to carry out this event, the organizers turn to various institutions, such as municipal authorities, museums and other cultural organizations. These institutions usually have spaces available that are suitable for such events. At the same time, however, they try to find spaces that are as accessible as possible for visitors with various types of disabilities.
Special attention is paid to making the exhibition accessible to visitors with limited mobility. That's why there are ramps that allow movement around the entire exhibition, and barrier-free toilets are also provided. It is also important that the organizers try to place the cars in places where there is not too much noise, which allows visitors with hearing impairments to better perceive all the sounds and atmosphere around them.
The Touch the Traffic event has become very popular in recent years and has gained many fans not only among visitors, but also among owners of vintage cars. They are willing to lend their cars to this event so that people can look at real gems of motoring history.
Overall, this car show is a great opportunity for all visitors.

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