The heart of the blind Škodovák - blog

Blind people have nothing to do behind the wheel!

I second that. In normal road traffic, blind people really have nothing to do behind the wheel. And I myself would not even dare to do something like that. Not even if the driving school instructor offered to sit in the passenger seat and with him two traffic policemen who would sit behind me. Never on the road without sight. But that's exactly what the Tyflocentrum and the Blind Association behind the wheel are here for, who organize events for us in a place where it's possible. I personally attended three of the events it organized Typhoid Center Olomouc with a regional workplace in Prostějov. The event was called (Un)ordinary ride and was held 3 times at the airport in Bochoř. And it was there that we could experience what it's like behind the wheel under the guidance of a driving school instructor. We were off the road, in the closed area of ​​the airport, and we were driving on a runway. And I'm already looking forward to June, to the event called Panenský Týnec, which is organized by the association Blind behind the wheel. In addition to cars and trucks, there will also be a retro window, a Velorex, a Trabant, but also a bus and other transport equipment. As in the case of Bochora, the event will take place at a pre-arranged location and an experienced team will accompany us on the ride. Safety is always a top priority at these events. I am really glad that such events exist and I firmly believe that they will increase.

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