The heart of the blind Škodovák - blog

The return of a hundred and twenty, or the planning of a big trip can finally begin

My beloved Škoda 120L was returned to me this morning. She spent a whole week in the service center. She originally went there for the AC pump and electricity see previous post. In the end, it turned out that the fault was not in the electricity, but in the wipers themselves. They were stiff enough to blow fuses. Everything was fixed and I have to say that now they work absolutely flawlessly and I was surprised by their agility.

Next, the AC pump was worked on and while the pump was done, I had the entire carburetor completely cleaned, it was really needed and it paid off.

In the end, there was also a fault in the water pump bearings. This was manifested by a very specific sound when the engine was running and I am glad that the cause was found and fixed. Now the car starts to strum, everything that is supposed to work works, so the planning of the first really big trip can begin.

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