The heart of the blind Škodovák - blog

Fighting with electricity

When it happened for the first time in December with the windshield wipers and heater on, I simply had the fuse replaced, the second one from the left side. To identify which fuse had actually gone, I used an old well-known trick (of a die-hard Skoda driver) with a five-crown coin, when I turned on the ignition and ran a five-pointer over the fuses. It was quiet for a while, but after the recovery on Tuesday, the fuse blew again. This time, however, without the heating on. So now I know the wipers are the culprit, but the question remains why? What could be wrong that the wipers blow the fuse within two seconds - the first case, fifteen seconds - the second case? When I think about it logically, I think there can be two reasons. Either a problem with the motor that drives the wipers or an unsuitable fuse. When we changed the fuse for the first time, we changed the figure of eight for the figure of eight, but to be sure, I will try to find some documentation about the fuses directly from the manufacturer, or I will ask that Škodovkar. (You see, I didn't think of it right away. You wouldn't believe what he can think of when writing one article.) I admit that none of us remembers which fuse to put as the second one from the left, and it's me in the service department, right , he did not let it be checked. So for now I've pulled the fuse and will have it replaced again at the earliest opportunity and will then subject my vehicle to a rigorous search for the cause of it blowing out again.

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