
It happened in the weeks of 2023/1 and 2

New collaboration

It was already baked at the end of 2022, but we mutually agreed on the official publication only at the beginning of January, you can find more in this article. Due to the establishment of cooperation with the association Nevidomí za volant, we will meet together in the framework of their events and lectures.

Negotiations on the premises have again reached a deadlock

Every now and then I get an offer for some premises. Two for last year, one for this year. However, in the third case, the negotiations were deadlocked. Most of the time it turns out that the other party doesn't answer anymore or the rental price is very high, eight thousand plus VAT for 40 square meters without the possibility of electricity, and I, and not only me, would rather go to Prague than to Těšín. Even the garage where I park my hundred is not exactly cheap, but I can walk there and it was apparently the only free garage in the city. I contacted a number of real estate agents and owners of a number of premises in the city to see if there was any space where I could at least start, however, two out of ten wrote that they had nothing on offer, a third wrote that moving around in their premises could be dangerous and the others did not comment. The rest of the verbal offers were deadlocked. Others might have given up in my place, but I didn't. The more rejection or lack of interest in communication, the more I want to do it.

New exhibits

Although I have practically no premises yet, I am getting offers for really wonderful exhibits. Unfortunately, I have to reject those, like for example the wonderful Fávo from 90 for a mouthpiece with a tiny shell on the fender I will probably have to reject, because, as the classic says, where to go with it? For now, it's holding it for me, but time is running out and I can't park it in front of the house anymore. I rejected Tatra 613 straight away. I still have some room for parts, but the premises are literally starting to burn.

Škoda scores 100 points, one hundred and twenty will have to go for an inspection

About a month later, I visited the garage with my family. I have family as far as Prostějovsk and they wanted to see a hundred. And while we didn't start the XNUMX Milena because of a clogged ac pump, the XNUMX Božka had no trouble at all. It is true that for some reason the AC pump does not pump fuel into the carburetor, but pressing the gas pedal a few times works. In the spring, Božek will have a detailed inspection at Karireal in Třinec, with whom I have been working since last year and am extremely satisfied.

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